Join me in raising funds for the RBWH Foundation

Join me in raising funds for the RBWH Foundation

Hi there!
 This year has been full of challenges, some I have overcome, others are long-standing battles still raging, but here and now, I would like to acknowledge the positives.
This year I was able to receive further treatment for Chronic Pain at The Tess Crammond Pain and Research Centre. On-going treatment has helped to reduce the pain to a  more manageable and tolerable level for several months at a time. Having the treatment has enabled me to do more drawing, which in turn, helps manage my PTSD and anxiety. The other positive spin-offs of treatment are, that I have been able to have the mind space to be more creative and sell more of my art and printed products.
Every sale I make, I donate 10% to WWF, Regenerate-Australia, so this year, I have been able to donate more, which also helps me 'give back.' 'Giving,' of time, energy and donations is also good for my mental health.
So, Join me in raising funds for the RBWH Foundation.
The Tess Cramond Pain and Research Centre is holding their annual RIO (Re-engagement in Occupation) Handcrafted Market. Stall days are Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th of December, 2023. Level 1 Atrium, Ned Hanlon Building, RBWH.
Christmas décor items, jewellery, candles, teddies and much, much more will be available for purchase, with all items handcrafted by patients of the service.
The markets are a way to re-engage patients with chronic and persistent pain in daily and meaningful activities through creating, marketing and selling handmade goods in a supportive environment.
Ten percent of market profits will go to the RBWH Foundation, for their Christmas appeal 'Give the gift of time', funding lifesaving research and patient care initiatives. The remaining proceeds will go towards the artisans and supporting the Tess Cramond Pain and Research Centre.
Click 'Donate' to make a secure online donation and help us reach our goal. Every donation, big or small, will help us get there. Please donate today.
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